Different runner, different motivation.
That's just how it is. Some run for world peace, he he he. While other just run for fun. I for one run for fitness, while others run because they are adrenalin junkies.
"So many faces, so many races," Francis M started Kaleidoscope World with those words. Of course he is referring to something else, but I'd like to take his words and insert it in the context why I and people in different hues and colors run.
"Different voices, different choices," the master rapper continues and that's just how it is. Either we run for ourselves or run for a cause.
So I've decided that I'll be running in the MILO Marathon cause I love causes. Especially those which help kids. And to paraphrase Francis M, "Some are rich with different shoes, while many are unshod."
It may not be much, what is P10 from my registration fee which the Nestle company will put aside to buy shoes for kids in the country's most depressed areas. But my P10 and those from thousands who will participate can make the dream of providing 10,000 shoes to the same number of unshod kids possible.
That's a huge quest but with all of us from every hues and colors running for this cause, we can help kids and start their journey into becoming "champions in life".
As Francis M said "Other walk while other run...some have some while other have the most.'
I may not have the "most" but I have "some" and I decided to be a "different voice" as I look try to twirl the kaleidoscope world.